The characteristics of tool sharpening and the type of tool system

classification: Industry dynamics



Release time:2022-08-30 09:43

In the process of gold chip cutting, the worn tool can not continue to use, must go through the grinding wheel grinding this process. The quality of the sharpening will be directly exposed to the cutting performance of the tool and the quality of the workpiece being processed. The purpose of the sharpening is to make the cutting part of the tool re-have the correct geometry, so that the cutting edge has a higher sharpness and durability.


1 the basic principles of tool grinding tool grinding, should abide by the following principles.

(1) The blade Tang Yuxiao looks at the technical data of the sliding grinding tool, understands the geometric angle and technical requirements of the tool, and determines the grinding method.

(2) Select the appropriate grinding wheel according to the geometry, material and processing requirements of the tool

(3) When grinding, accurately adjust the relative position of the tool and the grinding wheel on the grinding machine to ensure the correct geometry of the tool.

(4) grinding according to the tool material and processing requirements to select the appropriate amount of Tang cutting, no burn tool.

(5) In the process of sharpening, the timing of grinding wheel dressing should be grasped, which will cause waste of premature dressing, and the grinding wheel will be passivated too late, which will burn the grinding surface.

(6) A ship adopts dry grinding. When wet grinding is used, there must be sufficient auxiliary cutting tucking.


2. The characteristics of sharpening tool tool sharpening and other grinding compared to the following characteristics

(1) A ship of sharpening tools is carried out on grinding machines, turning tools and universal tools. Special special tools such as broach, gear tools, forming tools, etc. are processed on special grinding machines.

(2) The purpose of sharpening the tool is to make the blade have a sharp, complete and bright edge. For this reason, the tool cannot be burned and annealed during the grinding process, and the cutting edge cannot be scratched during the gripping process. After grinding, the cutting tools shall be greased in time and packed and put into storage.

(3) In addition to strictly calculating the size of the hammer, the sharpening tool should also pay great attention to the shape and position difference of the tool, such as the straightness of the tooth, the radial runout, the axis of the tooth and the handle, etc. should all meet the requirements of the karma design.

(4) In the process of sharpening the tool, the operator's head is close to the grinding wheel, and the sharpening tool car often uses wet Tang. Therefore, the sharpening person should wear safety protection equipment, with special emphasis on Dai Yin to protect the locust, mouth Liao, and stand away from the rotation direction of the grinding wheel.


3. Types of Cutters Cutters are tools for cutting off surplus materials. There are many types of tweezers and various forms.